- The whale leaps. As high as he can imagine. Piercing the water from peak to peak, is a yearning for the sky reflected in his eyes? What if this high point wasn’t merely the sky, but something far higher? If he knew of the infinite glitter of the stars, would his dreams soar even higher? Even if one doesn’t know why, to live is to constantly reach out. Not to a nervous restlessness, but to a constant motion of the heart.-Nino (Arakawa Under the Bridge)
- The Creator surely made this world too large. this is inconvenient for us small, fearful humans. for all the world’s vastness, we can’t measure the distance between ourselves. there’s 6 billion of us, yet still…everyone is all alone. that’s why we’re all frantically searching for that one person we need no distance from.-Kou Ichinomiya (Arakawa Under the Bridge)
- The power or “love” is strong. Sometimes, through the force of that emotion, people show strength you’d never expect. Yes. This is… Also a miracle of love.-(Arakawa Under the Bridge)
- A wish. It isn’t a glass ball that shines with the colors of a rainbow, which will shatter if grasped firmly. It’s a darkly lustrous ball of mud which only firms up when one squeezes it. It’s form may be uneven, but it’s the form of one’s own fingers. Not to make it a beautiful gem someday. But to make it the world’s most beautiful ball of mud.=Kou Ichinomiya (Arakawa Under the Bridge)
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