Uchiha Sarada (Naruto Gaiden) Quotes

Uchina Sarada Quotes

  • Right now all I have is inkling that why I want to khow who my mum is really-Uchiha Sarada (Naruto Gaiden)
  • I kept quiet for so long, I don’t know anything about anyone anymore-Uchiha Sarada (Naruto Gaiden)
  • Why should I go help someone who isn’t my mother or even anything to me!!!- Uchiha Sarada (Naruto Gaiden)
  • Well then, thank for everything, i dont think i will be returning to konoha gakure or the villge..-- Uchiha Sarada (Naruto Gaiden)
  • Im gonna continue on my jorney all alone-- Uchiha Sarada (Naruto Gaiden)
  • He didnt even recongnize his own daughter face-- Uchiha Sarada (Naruto Gaiden)
