Chrono Crusade Quotes クロノクルセイド

Chrono Crusade
  • I want…to change things. I want to believe that anything can be changed. The moment I met you, a new world opened up for me. You see, after wandering in the darkness for so long, a light brought me happiness. It’s all thanks to you.-Chrono (Chrono Crusade)
  • What is important is to know fear and yet take a step forward. -Rosette Christopher (Chrono Crusade)
  • Because my time is limited, I don’t have any time to waste hesitating. That is why I can walk straight ahead. That is why I never stop.-Rosette Christopher (Chrono Crusade)
  • Even at a time like this there’s not a single word of rescue from the one you worship. You see? That is the truth of this world. He doesn’t watch anything and doesn’t save anyone.-Aion (Chrono Crusade)

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