Haibane Renmei Quotes 灰羽連盟

Haibane Renme
  • This is my cocoon dream. The nightmare that has been tormenting my existence in this world. I was walking along this path. I remember cold winds stinging my cheeks that were wet from tears. I heard a sound from far away. But I was too tired to think. I remember wanting to become a stone. A stone that doesn’t feel pain. Or sorrow.-Reki (Haibane Renmei)
  • Inside my mind, there’s a beautiful cup. A very beautiful, clear cup. And tiny drops kept falling into it, ‘drip, drip, drip’, slowly but steadily, everyday. And today, I felt the cup had finally become completely full.-Kuu (Haibane Renmei)
  • Perhaps this is what it means to be bound by sin. To spin in the same circle, looking for where the sin lies, and at some point losing sight of the way out.-Communicator (Haibane Renmei)

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