Hyouka Quotes 氷菓

Hyouka Quotes 氷菓

  • I don’t do anything I don’t have to. What I have to do, I do quickly.-Oreki Houtarou (Hyouka)
  • I salute those devoted to expending energy in their lives.-Oreki Houtarou (Hyouka)
  • Expectations are born from a despairingly large difference in skill.-Tanabe Jirou (Hyouka)
  • I’m not against socializing, so long as it’s not tiring.-Oreki Houtarou (Hyouka)
  • No amount of passion can overcome a lack of technical expertise.-Fuyumi Irisu (Hyouka)
  • Whatever I do, I’ll always be me. I won’t tone myself down to fit in.-Satoshi Fukube (Hyouka)
  • I’m not lazy, I’m just conserving energy.-Oreki Houtarou (Hyouka)

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