Eureka Seven 交響詩篇エウレカセブン Quotes

Eureka Seven
  • Don ‘t worry about being so considerate of Adults. You can only be a kid for so long, so you might as well enjoy it. – Charles Beams
  • Did you know? The world is full of hate and there isn’t any reason for it? - Anemone

  • Whoever said one’s first love was bittersweet is a liar, its only bitter. - Renton Thurston
  • Is this God’s punishment for falling in love with an angel? As the gossamer floats ever eluding my grasp, it weighs heavily upon my heart. - Talho Yuki
  • So many faces looking like they’re thinking even though they’re not. So disgusting. - Anemone
  • Don’t ask for it; go win it on your own. Do that and you’ll succeed. Holland Novak, Renton Thurston, - Adroc Thurston
  • Meetings are sudden but through them we change and move forward. Farewells are also sudden, but you can’t linger on the moment. - Norb
  • Women’s minds and Autumn Winds Change Often. - Hap
  • If you don’t believe in anything, it no longer has the power to hurt. - Eureka
  • When you think of music or movies, instead of remembering what they are about you’re more likely to be reminded of the memories you have of that time and the people you knew then. - Stoner
  • Freedom is something you have to fight for, rather than something you’re given. Being free means being prepared to carry that burden. – Charles Beams

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