Saiyuki 最遊記 Quotes

  • Consume wine; don’t let the wine consume you. - Genjo Sanzo
  • I guess the best way to put it is that we’re stuck with each other. Our origins, our missions, our pasts, none of that really matters. We’re just living so that one day, we can die laughing. – Sha Gojyo

  • From the time I was born, till the day I die… The only side I am on is my own. - Genjo Sanzo
  • Regret are just a way for the foolish and the guilty to pass the time. – Cho Hakkai
  • People say that they want to be free as a bird… Is it because they can fly? But what happens when a bird got lost flying out at the sea and need to rest? They may have regretted having wings in the first place. - Genjo Sanzo
  • I’m winning because you are playing worse than before and because I promise to myself I will never give up and lose. – Son Goku

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