Claymore クレイモア Quotes

claymore quotes
  • Don’t be so quick to throw away your life. No matter how disgraceful or embarrassing it may be, you need to keep struggling to find your way out until the very end. - Clare
  • Tears can flow…from silver eyes, as well. - Teresa

  • I already lost this life. I do not intend to stretch it out at the cost of my honor. - Jean
  • What an eyesore. Disappear. - Isley
  • The idea that you can’t die yet because you still have something to protect… that is the foolish illusion of the weak. - Ophelia
  • Tell you what… I’ll carve you up until you find yourselves cursing the fact that you have such resilient bodies. - Riful
  • You don’t need to know our names because this is where you die. - Clare
  • Don’t you think it’s beautiful? That rosy red that spreads only where the body is wounded. I shall paint you in that lovely red……little boy. - Ophelia
  • I had already lost this life. I do not intend to stretch it out at the cost of my honor. - Jean 

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