Skip Beat! スキップ・ビート! Quotes

Skip Beat
  • Answers are usually in a place surprisingly close to yourself, after all. – Tsuruga Ren
  • Love is the prelude to disaster and tragedy. - Kyouko Mogami
  • She came to get revenge on me! Yet, I’m being captivated by her! I can’t believe that I’m surprised, I can’t forgive myself. – Fuwa Shoutarou

  • When you love someone, you can never be sure that you'll be loved in return. – Kyouko Mogami
  • I completely forgot! I should be focusing my attention on more important matters! I shouldn’t be thinking about useless things such as love at a time like this! I can’t believe it, to forget about such important work… My mind is completely blank. – Tsuruga Ren
  • I think that loving someone is utterly useless. The more you want to be loved the more it will make you miserable. – Kyouko Mogami
  • Ever since I remember I have always known these words… in the past these words made me feel proud… - Hiroaki Ogata
  • I have always thoughts that she was the one who understood me best in the whole world. I also thought that I was the one who understood her best too… until today. – Fuwa Shoutarou
  • When girls get together, all they do is talk about other girls behind their backs. – Kotonami Kanae
  • I’d let it pass and from time to time cry tears of frustration. – Kyouko Mogami

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